Learn Google Forms Tools | Create Advance Form | Google Forms

Learn Google Forms Tools | Create Advance Form | Google Forms

learn about google forms tools | create advance form | Google Forms

Google Form is the platform where the many pepole use it for collect the information through it.

Many people use it for the registration process and collect the data they required in forms.

Making the forms using this Google Forms make easier. We can easily made the form by adding the elements in the forms. We can divide the section to showcase the different type of required information section.

We can set the input field required, which should be must filled. We also can set input verification like phonenumber, real character string etc.

Table Of Contents

  1. Opening the Google Form
  2. Creating Google Forms
  3. Types of Forms Inputs
  4. Customize of Forms Inputs
  5. Setting the Form validation

Opening the Google Form

First Up of all, We should go to Google Form in any browser.

You should sign in through any google account to access it.

Creating Google Forms

After sign in, we reach in the google form interface where we can create the google form by using readymade template or self create.

Readymade templates are help for the quick making the template whereas custom form is useful for own type of form.

show the readymade template and new form create button

In above Image, We can see the template gallery for readymade templates. We can also see the blank button to create the custom form.

Types Of Google Inputs

After creating any forms, We can choose the inputs.

  • Short Answer
  • Paragraph
  • Multiple Choice
  • Checkboxes
  • Dropdown
  • File Upload
  • Date
  • Time
  • Linear Scale
  • Multiple Choice Grid
  • Checkbox Grid

Short Answer

This is the type of question whose answer can be given in one line.

example of short answer question


When we want long answer from the user then we use paragraph input. It is help to get the some description about person.

example of paragraph box where we can write long answer

Multiple Choice

When the question have options whose directed the personal choice this is good type.

Like: If we want to ask gender then we can use this. It has multiple choice according to person.

example of multiple choice


When the question have options whose can be multiple answer also then it is suitable type.

Like: If we want to ask learned programming skills then we can use this.

example of checkbox where you can select multiple answer


When we have a lot of option regards the question then we use dropdown.

Like: We want user district which is alot of options to showcase.

example of dropdown when it is in collapse form

We expand the dropdown our option see like this. We can select only one option.

example of dropdown when it is in expanded form

File Upload

When we want any files regards the form then we use file upload.

setting the file upload parameters

We can set the upload parameter to prevent wrong file upload.


This is use when we want any date of particular event.

this form is use when we use to get the date from user


This is use when we want any time of particular event

this form is use when we use to get the time from user

Linear Scale

Linear scale is use to get the input between range of data.

This is useful for the getting the value in range. Like: Star rating.

example of linear scale

Multiple Choice Grid

When the multiple questions has same options then we can use this type of form input.

This is same like the multiple choice with multiple choice.

example of answer sheet from given question options

Checkbox Grid

When the multiple questions has same options and can be multiple answers then we can use this type of form input.

This is same like the Checkbox.

example of checkbox where we get the language choice according to app development

Customize of Forms Inputs

When we editing the form. We have to change the labels according to the required label and particular type of form inputs.

required button on google form

We can set the form inputs to be required to fill by the users. We can set image to showcase input question also.

We can add multiple questions by click on plus button. We can also import question whose pre-built. We can add section title and description also. We can sectioning the questions list according to the your requirements.

Setting the Form validation

We have different types of advance validation. We mustly use validation on short answer field.

Here, I perform the setting the validation of email. Below, I set the way of validation and test the validation.

We can set the form advance validation by click on down right button 3 dots.

when click three dots on google form

In above image, after clicking in 3 dots we see small box where we can select response validation as advance validation.

setting the advance validation when user enter the email

After clicking in response validation, we can see below setting type dropdown where we can set any type of validation given.

Here, I set the text validation where text must be email and If anyone enters the wrong email then error message show as "Enter Correct Email".

Testing the validation by previewing the email.

entering the wrong email and show the error

In image, I enter the wrong email and see the error for wrong value of email.

entering the right email and disapper error

After enter the correct email, we can see the error disappear. By this method, we can set the validation which are important to prevent from entering the wrong value.